Summer Solstice (MI) 2023

Summer Solstice (MI) 2023


6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


26-30 Russell Tce, Macleay Island, Qld, 4184, SMBI

Event Type

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Also known as Litha or Midsummer, SUMMER SOLSTICE is celebrated all over the world as it is the longest day of the year.

Many cultures celebrate and give offerings to the sun for abundance and health in the new year and many ancient structures such as Karnak Temple, Egypt. ..Chichen Itza, Mexico. …
Temple of the Sun, Machu Picchu, Peru. …Jantar Mantar, India. …
Karahan Tepe, Turkey. …Stonehenge, England and many many more were built to watch the sunrise and sunset during the solstices.
During the Summer Solstice we celebrate the energising light of the Sun and the light within each of us. The cycle of the Sun represents the cycle of our lives and reflects the natural flow of energy moving inward and outward.

Through honouring this sacred day of light, we energetically set in motion a period of awakening in our consciousness which lasts all summer, until the Autumn Equinox.
Summer is the time to develop faith in our life, squash the darkness with light, and trust that just like the Sun, we will rise each day no matter what life brings us.

Seasonal Celebrations – Macleay Island invites you to join us at sunset on the 22nd of December at 6pm in the beautiful Macleay Island Progress Hall grounds for our inaugural Sunset Ceremony of manifestation & light to align your body, mind and soul with the rhythms of nature as we close out 2023 and prepare to embark on a new year.

A one hour ceremony – projected on the Big Screen and celebrated in circle with community dance and song, will be followed by a light shared feast.

We ask that you please bring a dish of (preferably) vegetarian or vegan finger foods to share and please note that this is a alcohol free event and all drinks are BYO only.

Please ensure that you arrive by 6pm for Circle to commence promptly at 6.30pm This is important.
Sunset is at 6.44 and once we begin ceremony , access will be closed.

Community Circle Gathering – 6 for 6.30pm start
Chanting/ Drumming / Spiral Dance & Honouring Ritual
Smart/Casual Dress Code
And socialise at the end as part of our celebration for summer!

All Enquires – email –

And don’t forget to like and follow the Facebook page for further information as it unfolds.